>>"The chosen Yoke"

This is a book I had published a couple of years ago and is very good depicting the two forces that we must deal with.


“No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt. 6:24)
This is a book about yokes. The Bible teaches us that we all are yoked, either to God through Christ Jesus, or to Satan—and that if we do not choose Christ, we will, by default, have yoked ourselves to the devil.
We, as Christians, stand in a place where this sort of “wrestling” can bring much blood, sweat and tears. Many have chosen the yoke of Satan as a way of life, beguiled by the Serpent. Many may believe it to be an easy road--very wide and with no boundaries. However, it still accepted and many are on it.
On the other hand, there is also the yoke designed for us by the Master Carpenter from Galilee—one that is easy and whose burden is light. Jesus Christ has a way for us, one which is wholesome, right and perfect in every way. Unfortunately few find this path. It is a choice with boundaries of morals and integrity. Is the choice to serve Christ and enjoy His attributes really that easy? No. It is a fight, a battle between good and evil, a battle of which yoke we wish to be harnessed with. For truly, there is no other choice: we shall serve either one or the other.
Who are they, these that we would serve? God is who He is, unchanging, the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His nature is that of love, and He has bestowed His grace upon all of mankind through Jesus Christ on the cross.
The devil is the Serpent: more subtle than any beast of the field and his nature is that of hate. He intends to kill, steal and destroy. God is his enemy and his goal is to undo what God has done.
We must choose to serve God or the devil. Unfortunately, for those who do not make a choice on their own, the decision has already been made. As we are born in sin, unless we change, we will continue in sin. This makes us hell-bound for eternity. We must therefore fight for the right to choose God continuously each and every day, making Jesus Christ Lord and Savior of our life.
 Satan’s yoke is seductive, and well-polished. It lies at our door each day with new and exciting adventures to meet the needs of sinful nature. The yoke of Christ, in contrast, is petitioning for us through God’s love so that we would choose to live and prosper and bear much fruit. As Joshua 24:15 says, Choose ye this day whom you will serve God or the Serpent, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord.”
This book is a discussion of the battles between good and evil; between the yoke of Satan and the yoke of Jesus Christ. This battle is enormous and affects the lives of everyone. I pray you read this with an open heart and mind.

