Monday, May 17, 2010

"The Sword and the Spear" God's Perfect Plan For Defeating Satan's Spear Of Death

My newly released book titled "the sword and the Spear" contains stories, Bible verses, christian parables and disscussions about God's true intention for His children to defeat Satan's spear.
When reading this book you will find that you have been pierced by the deceptive and controlling influence of God's most famous fallen angel, Satan.
You will also learn of God's design to slay those wicked intentions by choosing His plan of redeeming mankind unto Himself.
As Paul told Timothy, "You must fight a noble warfare"
Within this book you will find yourself becoming the life of the stories. somtimes pierced with Satan's spear and other times swinging God's sword as a mighty warrior.
The compiled stories of old along with countless scriptures cannot help but to captivate and motivate readers into evaluating their own position for today's common life of Christianity.
This life is hard to say the least, without adding tribulation to the troubles we already experience. But we find ourselves doing exactly that most of the time. We can fall into blaming Satan for spearing our hearts with his subtle decay, or we can simply rise to the high road by admitting we are the ones that choose to collaborate with him.
God bless all who read "The Sword and the Spear"

Click on link below to purchase!
Pastor Rod



LisaShaw said...

Greetings Rod,

Thank you for your recent visit and comment on one of my blogs: ProLife blog. I appreciate it very much.

I pray your book reaches the hands of each person God has hand picked to read it for His glory.

May you and yours be abundantly blessed in the LORD as you abide in Him.


Tammi said...

Thanks Pastor Rod for leaving a comment on my blog. What a pleasant surprise and encouragement! But most importantly, how wonderful the Lord works and mysterious are His ways! He says the steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord--and you posting a comment on my blog led me to check out yours, and I read the excerpt (Chapter 8) from your newly released book. Absolutely what I needed today! God bless you as you continue to serve Him! I'll be checking back in to see how things are going for you!
In Christ,

Kingdom Expansion said...

May the Lord use this book to His Glory .... and may many find freedom through and in Christ.